
Vibration Testing

Vibration testing is used to restitute the launch ambiances to the unit under test. This ensures that the system can survive the launch phase and reach its orbit without its functioning being impaired. IRF Kiruna operates in close collaboration with the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in this field, and is currently modernising the available equipment to fit the requirements of the upcoming space exploration missions.

LDS V780

This shaker is owned by LTU and operated by IRF. It provides sine and random sweep from 5 to 2000Hz for units up to around 700g, and shock spectrum from 3 to 5kHz. This equipment requires full time surveillance from an engineer during testing (usually minutes-scaled). Its sine peak force is 1,12kN.

For further details, please contact us with the technical specifications of the test subject and the desired frequencies.

Created by Annelie Klint Nilsson at

Last modified by Annelie Klint Nilsson at